Getting a good lower body calls for more than simply lunges and squats. Ellie’s secret is a core and glute activation programme that guarantees every muscle is working and ready.
These activation exercises are ideal for igniting your lower body workout whether your goals are strength building or tone-up.
1. Bridges of Glute Development
First lie on your back, feet flat on the floor and knees bent. Squeezing your glues at the top, raise your hips towards the ceiling. Hold for a moment then gently descend. Fifteen times is the repeat count. This action works your lower back and releases your glues.
2. Fire Hydrinks
Get on all fours, knees under your hips and hands under your shoulders. Bending your knee, raise one leg to the side. Return it down without touching the ground, then repeat twelve times on each side. Perfect for strengthening your hips and glutes, this workout will help you
3. Deadbugs for Core Stability
Lie on your back raising your arms and legs. Keeping your back straight, lower your left leg and right arm gently towards the floor.
Go back to where you started and flip sides. Ten times one side. Excellent for strengthening your lower back and working your core, dead bugs are
These motions will increase the strength and stability of your lower body, hence improving your performance and outcomes over time. They also help before your major workout. Try Ellie’s activating sequence and see the difference!