Less Chemicals, More Glow: Naomi’s Natural Beauty Hacks

Strong supporter of natural beauty, Naomi thinks one can look great without using harsh chemicals. She responds, softly smiling, “Nature has given us everything we need.” Focusing on kitchen or garden materials, Naomi’s basic yet effective beauty tips highlight their value.

Her first advise is to clean with honey. She gently pressing honey over her skin says, “Honey is a natural humectant; it keeps the skin hydrated and clear without any harshness.” Naomi reveals her renewed brilliance by rinsing with lukewarm water.

For Naomi, good skincare begins with diet. You are the food you consume! Fresh fruits, vegetables, and lots of water help your skin radiate from inside. She giggles, then says, “Every morning I prepare this green smoothie with pineapple, cucumbers, and spinach. My ‘glow drink’ is this one!

She swears on coffee grinds in place of chemically loaded exfoliants. Just gently scrub after mixing coffee with little coconut oil. Naomi brushes off her hands with a contented smile, saying, “Natural smells great, and leaves your skin soft and radiant.”

Her farewell words? Let the natural texture of your skin breathe. Less is frequently more, Naomi explains with great confidence in her natural style.
